Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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God be our shield, At home or afield, Stretch thine arm over us,
Strengthen and save. What tho' they're three to one, Forward each sire and son, Strike till the war is won,
Strike to the grave.
God made the right, Stronger than might, Millions would trample us
Down in their pride. Lay Thou their legions low, Roll hack the ruthless foe, Let the proud spoiler know
God's on our side.
Hark honor's call, Summoning all, Summoning all of us
Unto the strife. Sons of the South awake ! Strike till the brand shall break, Strike for dear Honor's sake,
Freedom and Life.
Rebels before, Our lathers of yore, Rebels the righteous name Washington bore.